Multiple rows of VNA racking in a large warehouse

Selective Storage Racking vs. VNA Racking: Decide with Us!

So, you’re ready to transition to vertical storage. We’re not surprised! Our customers have optimised their operations, reduced space-related expenses, and better utilised high-demand industrial properties by doing just that. While there are various warehouse storage solutions available, two popular options—Very Narrow Aisle (VNA) racking and selective storage racking—are chosen for their unique advantages. We’re…

Steel lockers with built-in benches in a locker room.

Steel Lockers vs. Stillages for Storage: Pros and Cons

According to recent studies, poor storage management accounts for over 21% of productivity losses in businesses, with employees spending up to 30% of their workday searching for information. Proper documentation can highly boost productivity. To improve document organisation, consider deciding whether buying steel lockers vs. stillages can benefit your business storage strategy. Metal lockers offer…

Second floor view of a dimly lit red multi-level catwalk racking staircase

Which Vertical Storage Wins: Catwalk vs. Mezzanine Racking

Vertical storage solutions have revolutionised warehousing by making the most of available and underutilised space. As inventory demands change, so do warehouse storage requirements. However, modern racking systems are the answer to the affordable maximisation of current facilities instead of incurring additional construction or rental expenses. Catwalk and rack-supported mezzanine racks share many similarities, but…

Shelves of labelled and numbered medium blue warehouse storage bins filled with items

Guide To Best Storage Bins in South Africa

A complete warehousing solution doesn’t only contain shelving or racking structures. Constructive inventory management demands a system where all components, the storage space, the shelving, and the storage containers, work in sync. In fact, stackable storage bins are central to helping businesses maintain order, generate space, and improve their fetching speed. The right stackable storage…