The term “warehouse equipment” can be used to refer to a wide range of items used either for the storage of goods, or as a means to transport those goods between various points within the storage facility, as and when this may prove to be necessary. In the latter category are pallet trucks, the hand-pulled trolleys whose forked projections are designed to fit into the twin slots in the wooden storage pallets, and then raised to lift them clear of the ground, so that whatever may be stored on then can be transported with the minimum of effort.
More sophisticated, and designed to reach goods stored at much higher levels, one of the most valuable items of warehouse shelving has to be the forklift. Designed to turn in their own length, and fitted with a counterweight that allows them to support exceptionally heavy loads, even with the mast fully extended and tilted, the battery-operated models flit between aisles with barely as much as a whisper to betray their presence.
However, as impressive and useful as these machines may be, they would have little or no real value if it were not for the existence of the equally impressive structures upon which the items they are required to transport will need to be stored. Racking and shelving, although perhaps the most basic items of warehouse equipment, are by far the most indispensable. Consequently, if your operation is to run as efficiently as possible, there are likely to be few actions that will prove to be more important than choosing the most suitable storage option to meet the demands of whatever premises you may have.
Most importantly, the system you choose should be designed to make maximum use of the floorspace available and, should it prove necessary, of any vacant space on the walls of the premises as well. However, in practice, should the available floorspace be a little limited, there is a very effective way in which one can effectively double it. A valuable item of warehouse equipment, the mezzanine floor provides a simple means to create extra space when it is most needed. In its freestanding form, it could, for instance, be erected over the office space used by managers and staff. Alternatively, the doubling effect referred to earlier can be achieved with the use of suitably tough bolted shelving, such as that supplied by Krost, as its support.
Storage facilities are not only required for goods, however. Employees will usually have a need to store personal effects, such as outdoor clothing, when donning attire that may be more suitable for the working environment, or which is perhaps a requirement mandated in a company’s health and safety regulations.
Certainly no less important, in their own fashion, than any other item of warehouse equipment, lockers are widely accepted as an essential element of employee security, as well as a necessary precaution to ensure their peace of mind. Moreover, as is the case with all the other innovative storage products supplied by Krost shelving, their exceptional quality is a given, as is their reliability in use.